The Beginning
I’ve heard a lot of questions over the past year as I’ve introduced our golf bags to virtually anyone who would listen. Naturally, the most common question is that of ‘why?’ Why golf bags? Where did the idea come from? How did you make one? What’s the goal? All fun questions to answer with the proper depth so I figured this is as good a time as any to share. Here we go!
Photography: Haik Kavookjian
When I really think hard about it, it all started for me many years ago. For as long as I can remember I’ve loved the game of golf, obsessively so if I’m being honest. I started playing when I was pretty young and really took to it as a teenager. Before I could drive, I would spend hours chipping around my parents backyard and beating long forgotten scuffed creek balls into the pastures surrounding our house. I vividly remember using our trampoline for target practice…throw a few balls down, pitch it on and watch it bounce off, then pitch it back from wherever they ended up.
During one of the many backyard driving range sessions (we grew up in the country with ample room for this type of thing) I nearly drilled my brother numerous times while he was up in a tree stand hunting. In my defense, I had no idea he was out there, but the sound of his bellowing of “hey!” is something I’ll never forget. And his version of the story is even better...“All I heard was a ‘whack!’, followed by a couple seconds of silence, then a plinko of the balls ricocheting through the trees. Took me a few times to figure out what was going on.” We still get a good laugh out of it to this day.
Those backyard practice sessions were the best. The purest golf experiences you could ever have. Simple and exciting. Challenging, yet fair.
Where it all began!
I went on to play in high school where I became a decent stick by putting in long hours working as a greenskeep at Alvamar Golf Club so I could play golf on the cheap. Looking back, those long days of working and playing outside with good friends were some of my favorite golf memories ever. All those hours paid off a little further though as they led to a golf scholarship at Hutchinson Community College and a job at the world-renowned Prairie Dunes Country Club. I quickly discovered I couldn’t hang with the next level of golfing talent, however, so after a year I moved on to normal college life back home at the University of Kansas. I still played regularly and at times thought I was getting pretty good, but golf started to become less frequent as life developed off the course.
Now-a-days, well over a decade removed from college, the game of golf still has that same pull as it did back then but is obviously way different now. Far less competitive, far more relationship oriented. Not just with people but with nature itself. Golf has long been my escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, a place where I could find inner peace while still being active. That much will never change yet the game has now become a place for me to teach my sons both fun and patience, where I can keep tabs with old friends, and where to make some new ones along the way.
I’ll dive into the ideation of the golf bags next week and start to formally answer those common questions mentioned at the onset but figured this would be a good start. As you might expect, it started as a pipe-dream that took a slow turn toward reality thanks to a lot of good fortune and persistence along the way.
Thanks for reading!
Best // Eric